Viral Infection

Viral Infection Treatment Online

Viral infections can impact anyone, and if your symptoms persist for more than two weeks or are unusually severe, our skilled doctors are available to assist you in returning to your regular health as swiftly as possible.


You can consult with a doctor from the convenience of your own home, eliminating concerns about potentially infecting others. Connect with one of our doctors at Mobi Doctor with the click of a button and receive the care you require.

Common Viral Infections

Common Cold:

The common cold typically results in symptoms like a congested or runny nose, cough, and sore throat. Most people have experienced a cold at some point. The most effective treatment is rest, and staying well-hydrated is essential.


Influenza (Flu):

The flu presents similar symptoms to a cold, but they appear suddenly and may also include headaches and a fever. Fatigue and an inability to work or perform daily tasks are common with the flu.


While rest can help resolve the flu, a vaccination is available for individuals at higher risk, such as older people. This vaccine is administered annually because the flu viruses constantly change.


The flu, especially in high-risk individuals, can lead to more severe complications like pneumonia. Therefore, monitoring symptoms closely and consult a doctor if you have any concerns is advisable.

Cold sores

If you experience cold sores, you can often anticipate their arrival due to a tingling sensation around your lips. Cold sores manifest as blisters or clusters of blisters around the lip area. Some individuals find cold sores embarrassing because they are difficult to conceal.


In addition to being transmitted through touch, stress, fever, or fatigue can trigger cold sores. They will naturally heal over time, but antiviral creams are available to expedite the process.


Commonly occurring in children, most individuals typically contract chickenpox only once. The primary symptom is the presence of itchy, red spots all over the body. To recover, these spots will blister and then gradually heal.


Not scratching these spots is crucial, as doing so can slow down the healing process and may lead to scarring. Cams and gels are available to alleviate the itching, but choosing a suitable product that won't exacerbate the rash is essential.



Shingles exhibit symptoms similar to chickenpox, but the rash is confined to one side of the body and can be painful. Unlike chickenpox, shingles are not contagious.

Measles, mumps and rubella

The MMR vaccine has significantly reduced the incidence of these viral infections in the EU. In most instances, these infections will resolve independently within a week to ten days.


Measles is characterised by a red rash that typically starts on the head or neck, accompanied by cold-like symptoms.


Mumps often leads to swollen glands, aches, pains, and fever. While facial swelling is the most identifiable symptom, it occurs in only about two-thirds of cases.


Rubella, also known as German measles, combines some features of both measles and mumps. It involves a red rash and symptoms such as fever and fatigue.


Frequently referred to as the "winter vomiting bug," norovirus is gastroenteritis that leads to symptoms like diarrhoea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Hepatitis C

The most prevalent type of hepatitis in the EU is primarily transmitted through contact with contaminated blood or sharing needles.


Hepatitis leads to liver inflammation and manifests with symptoms like joint pain, fever, nausea, and, in severe cases, pale or grey stools and jaundice. If you suspect you may have hepatitis C, it's crucial to consult a doctor promptly.


Unlike some other forms of hepatitis, there is no vaccine for hepatitis C. However, there are antiviral medications available to manage its symptoms.


Meningitis can result from either viral or bacterial infections. Bacterial meningitis is typically more severe, whereas viral meningitis often resolves without treatment. It's advisable to confirm the specific type of meningitis you have.


Symptoms typically include a fever, headache, limb stiffness, and light sensitivity. Some individuals may also develop a rash that doesn't fade when pressure is applied with a glass tumbler. However, it's essential to understand that not all meningitis cases exhibit this rash.

What Causes Viral Infections?

Viruses are typically contagious and primarily transmitted through coughing and sneezing.


Another way to contract a virus is by touching a surface that has been touched by an infected person or, in some instances, by coming into direct contact with an infected person's skin or blood.


Contaminated food is another avenue for the spread of viruses. For instance, an infected individual may have breathed, coughed, or sneezed near your meal, or the person responsible for food preparation may not have practised proper hand hygiene.


There is a wide variety of viruses, so identifying the specific one you have is beneficial for receiving the most appropriate treatment.

How To Avoid Infecting Others

Preventing the transmission of viruses can be challenging, as symptoms often don't appear until several days after infection.


However, once you know the virus, you should minimise contact with others until a couple of days after your symptoms have completely subsided to prevent its spread.


Maintaining good hygiene habits, such as frequent handwashing and using a tissue or handkerchief when coughing or sneezing, also play a crucial role in reducing the transmission of viruses.

Viral Infection Treatment

Most viruses typically resolve within a week to 10 days. Sometimes, a doctor can recommend suitable medications to manage your symptoms.


The prescribed medicines will depend on the type of virus you're dealing with. For instance, a cold may require a decongestant.


Viruses can severely impact specific individuals, particularly the elderly and those already undergoing treatment for other illnesses. Consulting with a doctor can help identify potential complications and provide reassurance.


Even if you are generally in good health, if your symptoms persist beyond two weeks or intensify significantly, it's advisable to consult a doctor to rule out any underlying severe conditions.