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Get tailored solutions or soothe midge bites with online treatment. Doctors will assess your symptoms and recommend the best remedies, from anti-itch creams to allergy medication. Experience fast relief and regain comfort.


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Don’t face the discomfort of midge bites alone. Online consultations offer professional guidance and empathetic care. Discuss your concerns with experienced doctors, gain clarity, and find effective solutions to the irritation and swelling.

What Are Midge Bites?

Midges, often called biting midges or midgie insects, are tiny flies that can be a real bother, especially during outdoor activities. These insects look somewhat like mosquitoes, with their dark brown bodies and wings, but their unique differences set them apart.


Only certain types of midges bite, and the females cause trouble. Like mosquitoes, they need blood to reproduce. Their sharp, cutting mouthparts pierce the skin to draw blood, leading to itchy, painful bites. While their bites don’t spread diseases to humans in places like North America, they can be exceptionally irritating, causing swelling and an allergic reaction in the skin. In some tropical regions, midge bites can cause more severe skin issues, like dermatitis and lesions.


Despite being a nuisance, midges play an essential role in nature. They serve as a crucial food source for animals like fish, frogs, and birds. However, their impact on humans and animals varies. Some biting midge species transmit diseases to livestock and horses, such as bluetongue virus and African horse sickness. If bitten, treating the itching and swelling promptly can help you avoid prolonged discomfort.

Midge Bites Symptoms

Midge bites are tiny red spots that often appear in groups. When a midge bites you, it makes a small hole in your skin and leaves saliva that can cause itching or an allergic reaction.

Common Signs Of Midge Bites

  • Red Bumps: The bites look like small, raised red lumps, similar to mosquito bites.

  • Redness Around The Bite: A larger red area, about 3–5 cm wide, might spread around each bite.

  • Multiple Bites: Midges usually bite in numbers, so you might find many bites close together.

  • Itching: The bites can be very itchy. Scratching may make the redness worse or even cause small sores.

  • Blisters: Sometimes, though not often, blisters can form around the bites.

Allergic Reactions To Midge Bites

Some people might have allergic reactions, which can range from mild to serious.

1. Mild Reactions

  • Symptoms: Swelling, redness, itchiness, and slight pain at the bite area.

2. Localised Reactions

  • Symptoms: Hives (red, itchy bumps), strong itching, watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing.

3. Systemic Reactions

  • Symptoms: Nausea, stomach aches, wheezing, or asthma getting worse.

4. Severe Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis)

  • Symptoms: Trouble breathing, fast breathing or wheezing, feeling faint, clammy skin, feeling very sick, or a fast heartbeat.

Understanding these signs can help you deal with midge bites and know when to seek help.

Midge Bites Treatment

Midge bites can be annoying, but they’re easy to treat. Follow these simple steps to feel better and stop the itching.

1. Clean The Bite

Wash the area with warm water and soap, preferably antibacterial soap. This removes any saliva left by the midge and helps stop infection. Pat the area dry with a clean towel.

2. Stop The Itching

  • Cold Compress: Use a wet washcloth or wrap ice cubes in a towel and place it on the bite for 5–10 minutes. This can reduce itching and swelling.

  • Hot Water Method: If the itching doesn’t stop, soak a cotton swab in hot water (not boiling) and hold it on the bite for a few seconds. This can break down the chemicals, causing the itch.

3. Use Medications And Creams

  • Take Antihistamines to calm redness and swelling.

  • Apply Anti-Itch Creams or cortisone cream to soothe the bite.

  • If you’ve scratched the bite and it’s bleeding, use antiseptic cream to avoid infection.

4. Avoid Scratching

Try not to scratch the bite, even if it’s itchy. Scratching can break the skin, turning the bite into a sore that might get infected. Keeping your nails trimmed can help reduce damage if you accidentally scratch.

5. When To See A Doctor

Midge bites usually go away in a week, but see a doctor if:

  • The bite becomes swollen and painful.

  • You notice pus or feel dizzy, sick, or unwell.

  • You think you’re having an allergic reaction.

Call the emergency helpline immediately if someone shows signs of a severe allergic reaction, like trouble breathing or fainting.

By following these steps, you can make midge bites less of a problem and feel better quickly.

Midge Bites Prevention

Midge bites can be annoying, but there are easy ways to stop them from biting you. Follow these simple tips to stay safe:

1. Avoid Midge Hotspots

Midges like damp places like ponds, marshes, and wetlands. Suppose you can, stay away from these areas, especially during summer when many midges are around.

2. Stay Inside At Certain Times

Midges are most active at dawn (early morning) and dusk (just before sunset). To avoid getting bitten, try to stay indoors during these times.

3. Wear The Right Clothes

Cover your skin as much as you can. Wear long-sleeved shirts, long trousers, and hats to stop midges from biting you. You can also use clothes treated with bug spray to keep them away.

4. Use Bug Spray

Put insect repellent on any skin you can’t cover with clothes. Repellents with DEET or Picaridin work well to keep midges away. If you prefer natural options, some plant-based sprays can help, but you might need to reapply them more often.

5. Treat Your Clothes

You can treat your clothes with a unique insect repellent like permethrin. This creates a shield that midges don’t like and gives you extra protection.

Following these steps, you can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about pesky midge bites! Mobi Doctor offers expert advice and treatment for midge bites online. Get fast relief and personalised care without leaving the comfort of your home!

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