Nasal Congestion

Online Treatment for Nasal Congestion

If you're uncertain about managing your nasal congestion, waiting weeks to see a doctor can be frustrating when you need immediate guidance.


Our doctors at Mobi Doctor are accessible through your smartphone, tablet, or computer every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. you can secure an appointment within minutes.

What Nasal Congestion is?

Nasal congestion, called catarrh or a blocked nose, can be associated with various medical conditions, including the common cold, flu, and allergies like hay fever.


Various factors leading to narrowing your nasal passages can contribute to this condition. For instance, nasal polyps are growths that develop in the nostrils or sinuses and can be a potential cause.


Typically, nasal congestion resolves when the underlying illness causing it is treated. However, if you find it challenging to alleviate your nasal congestion, our skilled doctors can provide assistance and guidance.

Symptoms of Nasal Congestion

In addition to the primary symptom of a blocked nose, nasal congestion can bring about several secondary inconveniences that can be disruptive and interfere with daily activities. These include:


  • Persistent throat clearing.

  • Coughing

  • Headaches

  • A sensation of mucus flowing down the throat.

  • Impairment of the sense of smell.

  • Sleep disturbances.

Treatment for Nasal Congestion

In most instances, addressing the root cause of your nasal congestion is typically the key to resolving it. Therefore, your doctor will likely begin by treating your blocked nose as a symptom and may further investigate the underlying issue.


For instance, conditions like the flu usually resolve independently, while allergies might be more manageable with medication.


Additionally, our doctors can suggest some home remedies to help alleviate your symptoms, including:


1. Staying well-hydrated, especially when you want to clear your throat.

2. Avoid dry indoor environments, such as rooms with air conditioning or central heating.

3. Steering clear of triggers that you know cause your blocked nose, such as specific foods, environments, or allergenic animals.

Causes of Nasal Congestion

Termed catarrh or a congested nose, nasal blockage can be a symptom associated with various medical conditions, including colds, influenza, and allergies like hay fever.


Any condition leading to the narrowing of your nasal passages can also be a contributing factor. For instance, nasal polyps are growths in the nostrils or sinus cavities.


Typically, nasal congestion tends to subside when the underlying illness responsible for it resolves. However, if you find it challenging to alleviate your nasal congestion, our skilled doctors can provide assistance and guidance.