Substance Abuse
Online Treatment of Substance Abuse
Our doctors can assist if you are struggling with substance abuse or are concerned that a loved one may have an issue. They can address underlying or accompanying issues, like anxiety or depression, and refer you to specialists for further support if required.
Connect with one of our doctors at Mobi Doctor with the click of a button and receive the care you require.
What Substance Abuse is
Substance abuse occurs when a person relies on alcohol or drugs for daily survival, which can lead to addiction and other health problems.
Substance abuse can be a complex problem, and friends and family often recognize the issue before the person struggles. Therefore, it is important to take a careful and sensitive approach when dealing with this issue.
Symptoms of Substance Abuse
The signs of substance abuse can take many forms.
Although each substance has specific effects, some general signs of substance misuse are usually present. These include physical and behavioural changes.
These are some of the most common warning signs
- Losing interest in personal hobbies
- Changes in friends
- Changing sleeping patterns
- Absence from work or school and decline in performance
- Personal grooming has become complacent
- Unexplained financial problems
- Noticeable difference in behaviour
- Breath, body, or clothing odours that are unusual
- A runny nose
- Glare, redness, or bloodshot eyes
- Poor coordination, tremors, or slurred speech
- Changes in weight suddenly
- Under-eye bags, tired appearance
- Mood swings (going from happy to irritable and grumpy quickly)
- Hyperactivity or agitation during specific periods
- Relationships with family members and lack of interest in them
- Lethargic, spaced out, and lacking motivation
- Unfounded fear, anxiety, or paranoia
It is important to take action and address the misuse of alcohol and other substances. If not treated, the person may become addicted to drugs or alcohol, leading to more serious long-term consequences.
Treatment of Substance Abuse
People with addiction disorders typically require long-term treatment, as addiction is considered a chronic illness, especially for those addicted to drugs or medications.
Treatment plans can be modified to suit an individual's needs and are designed to address all aspects of a problem, including physical, mental, and social factors.
Supervision is necessary to ensure the patient's safety while the body is weaning off the substance. This is done by slowly decreasing the drug dosage to give the body time to adjust.
Treating withdrawal:
When a person stops using substances that have been abused, they may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as fatigue, depression, and sleep disturbances. To help minimize these effects, specialist doctors may prescribe medications.
Behavioural therapy:
Through this kind of therapy, people can develop the skills to manage their symptoms better and increase the effectiveness of their treatments and medications. It also helps them identify and modify their thinking patterns that may lead to a relapse and develop strategies to manage cravings.
Causes of Substance Abuse
People may turn to substance abuse to cope with difficult situations. At first, it may seem like an excellent way to relax and may even provide a sense of relief in the short term.
Eventually, this pattern of behaviour can lead to difficulties in various aspects of life, including relationships, work, social activities, studies, and finances.
Consuming illegal substances can have serious legal ramifications, including possible arrest and imprisonment.
When a person is experiencing negative feelings, they may begin to turn to substances as a way of coping. As a result, substances can be used to manage emotions and feelings, which can be challenging to break.