
What is Tendonitis?

When the tendons connecting the muscles to the bones are inflamed and irritated, it leads to a condition known as tendonitis, which is characterised by pain.


Tendonitis can result from repetitive motions, gradual wear and tear over an extended period, or sudden injuries.


It can affect any tendon in the body, but it typically occurs in areas like the knees, elbows, hands, heels, wrists, and shoulders.


Tendonitis symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the affected area and the underlying cause. These symptoms can also differ from person to person and may include:


  • Sharp or dull pain, which can manifest suddenly or gradually.

  • Inflammation in the joint.

  • Stiffness in the joint.

  • Weakness in the joint.

  • Difficulty in moving the affected joint.

  • A sensation of a popping or crunching noise when moving the affected joint.


Several conditions can lead to joint or tendon pain. Mild pain typically resolves within a few weeks without requiring a doctor's visit. However, if the pain is severe, the tendon isn't healing, or there's a suspicion of a tendon rupture, you should speak to a doctor.


Our doctors can typically diagnose tendonitis by discussing your symptoms and visually assessing the affected joint, a process that can be conducted via a video consultation.


Tendinitis can be caused by overuse of a particular muscle or joint or by a sudden injury. It is characterised by pain, swelling, and tenderness in the affected tendons.


Tendonitis typically represents a short-term issue, with symptoms improving in a few weeks for mild cases and extending to a few months for more severe ones.


The primary treatment options for tendonitis include:


  • Pain relievers.

  • Application of ice or heat packs.

  • Use of compression bandages.

  • Rest and elevate the affected area.


For more severe cases of tendonitis, the following options may be recommended:


  • Corticosteroid injections.

  • Physical therapy.

  • Surgical intervention.

  • If the pain is severe, you may require a doctor's prescription for more vital pain medication to manage the discomfort.


Treatment for tendonitis is personalised to suit your specific needs, so we must provide as much information as possible to our doctors. Inform them if certain activities exacerbate the pain or if you've been experiencing the issue for an extended period.

You can connect with one of our doctors at Mobi Doctor with the click of a button and get the care you need.