You will experience many changes in your body as the time of your delivery comes closer and increasing hormonal levels can integrate with physical changes to develop certain ear, nose, and throat (ENT) conditions.
It is not difficult to overcome some symptoms like stuffy ears, sore throat, and a runny nose; however, it is crucial to stay cautious during pregnancy because these signs could be indications of a more severe condition.
If you are experiencing ear, nose or throat issues during the time of your pregnancy, do not hesitate – meet a doctor today.
Our specialists at Mobidoctor can chat about your symptoms and if considered necessary, will refer you a treatment course that is wholly safe for you and your baby.
Talk to a Doctor about ENT IssuesConsult a Doctor right now, or choose a time that is convenient for you.
Be seen by our doctors online through either our mobile app or website.
Does not matter if you need expert advice, prescribed medication or treatment – we are here for you.
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