
What is Thrush?

Thrush is a prevalent yeast infection resulting from the candida albicans fungus. Although it can be uncomfortable, it poses no long-term health risks, and various treatment options are available.


However, specific individuals may encounter ongoing symptoms that prove challenging to address.


Our online doctors can assist in determining the underlying cause of your thrush and provide appropriate treatment to alleviate your symptoms.


Thrush is believed to impact most women at some stage because the vagina typically contains low levels of candida albicans. The likelihood of experiencing thrush increases after a woman has her first period and decreases after menopause.


Thrush can also affect men, with symptoms primarily centred on the tip of the penis.


In women, the primary symptoms of thrush typically encompass:


  • Vaginal discharge, which is usually thick, white, and without odour.

  • Itching, redness, and soreness in the vaginal area.

  • A burning sensation during urination.

  • Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse.

  • These symptoms can occur intermittently or become recurrent, persisting even after successful treatment, a condition called persistent thrush.


In men, symptoms may involve soreness, itching, and penile discharge. An unpleasant odour may also be present where poor hygiene contributes to the infection.


The typical antifungal treatments for thrush include:


  • A vaginal pessary for insertion.

  • Oral capsules or tablets.

  • A skin cream is applied to the vaginal area to alleviate itching or soreness.

  • Men can be treated with either a cream or an oral capsule.


Our doctors will determine the most suitable treatment for you based on your specific symptoms and the underlying causes of your thrush. During your consultation, they can provide a prescription, and our team will assist in coordinating its pickup from a nearby pharmacy.


Typically, thrush develops when there is an alteration in the balance of fungi and bacteria in the vagina. Several factors can contribute to this imbalance, including:


  • Pregnancy

  • Menstrual cycle

  • Antibiotic use

  • Weakened immune system

  • Diabetes

  • Stress


Although thrush isn't categorised as a sexually transmitted infection (STI), sexual activity can trigger it, and it is possible to transmit the infection to a sexual partner.


For individuals experiencing persistent thrush, our doctors can monitor their symptoms to identify any recurring patterns and ascertain potential causes for symptom flare-ups.


Our doctors will discuss your symptoms and specific lifestyle aspects in your online consultation. Your responses will aid them in pinpointing potential reasons for your thrush and excluding the possibility of other conditions, including sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


Rest assured that your answers are entirely confidential and will assist the doctor in determining the most suitable treatment. If you've been experiencing recurrent thrush, additional questions may be asked to uncover the reasons behind prior treatment failures.

Thrush in pregnancy

Thrush is quite common during pregnancy, particularly in the third trimester. Hormonal changes, driven by elevated estrogen levels, often contribute to this occurrence, as they create an environment favourable for the growth of candida albicans.


It's essential to note that thrush doesn't pose a risk to your baby during pregnancy. However, if you have thrush when the baby is born, they may experience a mild fungal infection. This infection doesn't jeopardise their health and can be easily treated.


When dealing with persistent thrush during pregnancy, finding a safe treatment for you and your baby is crucial.

Our doctors at Mobi Doctor will guide you on whether you need to modify your usual treatment approach until after the baby is born. For example, pregnant women are not typically prescribed capsules or tablets for thrush treatment.