When the season changes, you can find yourself caught in a cold and flu out of nowhere. It's part of the deal. Everyone suffers from this situation at some point, feeling under the weather, with a runny nose, a scratchy throat, and just plain old worn out. In the EU, the cold and flu regarding respiratory tract infections are at the top of the chart.
Most of the time, your body gets rid of these viruses in a few days. But sometimes, your condition and symptoms can worsen, and you may need more than rest and home remedies to relieve the discomfort. That's where we come in. At Mobi Doctor, we're all about getting you back on your feet. Feeling like your cold has set up camp in your chest, or your flu's been hanging around longer than your last holiday? Our team's ready to dive in, figure out what's up, and get you the proper treatment.
We use a simple approach: Our healthcare experts ask you about your symptoms, medical history, daily routine, and present lifestyle to understand the root cause of the problem. Sometimes, a persistent cough or fever could indicate severe medical conditions. That’s why we are here to catch those pesky signs early and give you the right personalised treatment plan.
But we're not just about diagnosing and treating. We're big on advice and tips, too. We'll share all the need-to-knows on how to keep colds and flu at bay and how to bounce back stronger if they do catch you. So, if you're under the weather and it's not lifting, don't try it out alone.
We're here to lend an ear, offer a shoulder, and help you curb that cold or flu. Let's get you back to feeling awesome again because life's too short for anything less.
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