
What is Confusion?

People often need clarification when they cannot focus, are disoriented, or have difficulty remembering things. Such confusion can manifest itself in a variety of ways.


Symptoms of confusion can range from mild to severe and develop suddenly or gradually over time. Possible causes for confusion include low blood sugar, infection, or a chronic condition like dementia.

What are the different symptoms of Confusion?

Common symptoms can help you recognise confusion more easily. These can include disorientation, difficulty in concentration, difficulty in understanding and communicating, forgetfulness, and changes in behaviour.


Some of the symptoms of confusion are:


  • Experiencing difficulty in recalling the ongoing task.

  • Incapacity to maintain clear thinking.

  • Feeling a sense of disorientation.

  • Extended gaps in speech.

  • Uttering words unclearly.

  • Encountering memory lapses.

  • Exhibiting a lack of awareness.

  • Refer to a comprehensive compilation of symptoms related to confusion.


If confusion is impairing your or someone you know daily life, seeking the help of a doctor is highly recommended. A doctor can help to pinpoint the source of the confusion and devise a suitable treatment plan.

How is Confusion diagnosed?

To identify the cause of confusion, a doctor will often use a questionnaire of specific questions to evaluate its effects.


If your doctor cannot diagnose, they can refer you to a specialist for further investigation and treatment.

Is Confusion a medical emergency?

Confusion can be caused by a range of things, ranging from minor issues such as a urinary tract infection to more severe conditions like dehydration. Additionally, external factors like carbon monoxide poisoning can also lead to confusion.



If the person experiences sudden confusion, seeking medical help as soon as possible is essential. This is especially true if they display other symptoms, such as bluish lips or an inability to move one of their limbs.


If the individual has diabetes, check their blood sugar levels if you know how to. If their sugar levels are low, give them something sweet to eat or drink and wait 10 minutes for them to stabilise. In either case, going to the nearest hospital is highly recommended.

What causes Confusion?

Upon speaking with your doctor, they will aim to discover the origin of your confusion. This includes talking about your signs, past medical records, and any other elements that could affect you.


  • Certain medical conditions can impact bodily systems, subsequently affecting brain function and leading to confusion. Sharing all symptoms, even seemingly minor ones, aids the doctor in delivering a diagnosis, making referrals if needed, and creating a treatment strategy.

  • Instances of confusion triggered by stress or anxiety can be recognised and managed by a doctor.

  • Medications can also provoke confusion due to excessive intake, withdrawal, or adapting to new prescriptions.

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning is another potential cause of confusion. A doctor might inquire if anyone you live with has been unwell, as it could indicate this specific source of confusion.

How is Confusion treated?

If you or someone else experiences confusion, seeking medical advice to determine the cause and receive the proper treatment is essential. Do not delay; speak to a doctor when you recognise the symptoms.


If a medical condition is confusing, treatment will be necessary to address the root cause. This may involve taking medication or using another form of therapy.


After the initial medical issue has been managed, the confusion symptoms may dissipate. Unfortunately, there are some cases where the symptoms can be long-lasting or even worsen. In these cases, treatment can minimise the effects.


At Mobi Doctor, we ensure you receive the best treatment plan possible by tailoring it to your specific circumstances.