Inflammatory Bowel Disease

What is IBD?

An individual with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is suffering from conditions that cause inflammation in the digestive tract. Among the most common forms of IBD are Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.


Among the most common inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), Crohn's disease is characterized by inflammation and irritation throughout the digestive tract. Ulcerative colitis is also an IBD but only affects the large intestine or colon.


Inflammatory Bowel Disease is a long-term condition that cannot be cured but can be managed. The symptoms of IBD can vary during active periods, when the disease flares up, and during recovery periods. Following a recommended treatment plan to manage IBD and reduce flare-ups is essential.

IBD Symptoms

While each person may experience symptoms differently, there are a few signs to look out for when you suspect you have IBD.


Symptoms of IBD include:

  • Generally feeling unwell

  • Mouth ulcers

  • Pain and cramps in the stomach

  • Loss of appetite

  • Bloody or mucusy diarrhoea repeated frequently

  • Gastritis (swelling of the abdomen)

  • Weight loss

  • Anaemia

  • Feeling extremely tired


If you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with IBD, our doctors can evaluate your condition and advise you on the best course of action. Additionally, they can refer a specialist for a proper diagnosis.


Our doctors can help you find a way to manage your flare-ups if you are already diagnosed with IBD.

IBD Diagnosis

Our doctors will inquire about your signs, past health issues and bowel habits. They could also ask if you have identified anything that brings on your symptoms, such as tension or specific food items.


When your doctor suspects you have IBD, he or she will refer you to a specialist for further investigation. This will help them determine if you have IBD or another health condition with similar symptoms.


A gastroenterologist may recommend tests to help diagnose your condition. After the results, they can determine if you have the disease and start you on a treatment plan. However, the diagnosis may not be immediate.

IBD Causes

IBD is not known to have an exact cause, but several factors have been identified as contributing factors. Among these risk factors are:

  • Smoking

  • Genetics

  • Taking certain medications

  • Immune system problems

  • Age

  • Environmental factors

  • Race and ethnicity


Individuals with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) can sometimes have increased symptoms, known as flare-ups. These can be triggered by several factors, including diet, stress, skipping medications, antibiotics, and certain other medications.

IBD Treatment

It is not possible to cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), but treatments are available to manage and reduce symptoms. Maintenance treatments or therapies help to reduce flares and keep symptoms manageable. It is important to remember that treatments may vary depending on the individual and their specific condition.


Your IBD treatment plan will be designed to meet your individual needs and circumstances. There will be a team of professionals available to help you manage your condition, with treatment options determined by the severity of your symptoms.


Surgery can sometimes treat IBD if medication, diet, or lifestyle changes do not work.

How can Mobi Doctor help?

Mobi  Doctor offers a convenient and accessible way to get medical care from the comfort of your own home. Our experienced and certified doctors can help diagnose various medical issues, provide advice on treatment, and even prescribe medication if needed, all from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. With Push Doctor, you can have an appointment with a GP between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. without leaving the house.


Connect with one of our doctors at Mobi Doctor with the click of a button and receive the care you require.