Bladder Infection

What is a Bladder infection?

When bacteria infect the bladder, it can lead to a bladder or urinary tract infection (UTI). Sometimes referred to as a water infection or cystitis, this condition can cause discomfort and pain.


There are four parts to your urinary tract.


  • In the lower urinary tract, which includes the bladder and urethra (the tube that expels urine from the body), infections are frequent but typically not severe and can be treated easily.

  • The upper urinary tract comprises the kidneys and the tubes linking them to the bladder, known as ureters. Infections in this area are considerably more severe and may have long-term health implications.


Early detection of bladder infection symptoms is crucial in preventing the bacteria from spreading to your upper urinary tract. If you suspect you might be experiencing such an infection, you must seek medical attention immediately.


Our doctors can arrange for a simple test to confirm a diagnosis, prescribe effective antibiotics, and clear up your bladder infection in just a few days if necessary.


It is a fact that bladder infections occur more frequently in women, with females making up approximately 90% of all reported cases.


One of the reasons for this is that women have a shorter urethra than men. Typically, a female urethra measures about 4cm, whereas it can be as long as 20cm in men. As a result, bacteria have a shorter distance to travel to reach a woman's bladder.


Bladder infections can also affect men, although they are uncommon in those under 50. In such cases, an enlarged prostate is typically the cause, as it exerts pressure on the area where the bladder and urethra meet, leading to incomplete bladder emptying.


The following symptoms characterize bladder infections:


  • Pain or burning when you urinate

  • Blood in your urine

  • Not being able to empty your bladder fully

  • Needing to urinate more than usual

  • Feeling generally unwell

  • Stomach pain

  • Cloudy or smelly urine


Typically, symptoms of bladder infections arise suddenly and are acute. Nevertheless, certain individuals, mostly women, experience chronic bladder infections, with recurring symptoms returning a few weeks following successful treatment.


Bladder infections typically arise due to one of two underlying reasons:


  • Bacteria from the intestinal area enter the urinary tract and progress toward the bladder.

  • Irritation or damage to the bladder lining.


In women, prevalent risk factors encompass:


  • Engaging in sexual activity

  • Wiping the anal area from back to front

  • Using tampons

  • Employing the diaphragm as a contraceptive method

  • Experiencing menopause

  • Being pregnant


For men, bladder infections might be triggered by:


  • An enlarged prostate

  • Engaging in anal intercourse

  • Being uncircumcised


Additional factors, regardless of gender, such as scented bath products, diabetes, catheter usage, urinary tract blockages, or recreational drug use, can also contribute to bladder infections.


After receiving a diagnosis, our medical professionals can recommend highly effective antibiotics to eliminate your bladder infection quickly.


Our service for prescriptions enables you to obtain your medication from a nearby pharmacy at the time of your consultation. Our team will contact your local pharmacy, verify that they have your required medicines in stock, and notify you when it is ready for pick-up.


If you have been diagnosed with chronic bladder infections, our doctors at Mobi Doctor can assist you with obtaining a repeat prescription. Additionally, they can offer guidance on self-care practices that may lower your risk of developing a bladder infection.

Bladder infection in pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is pretty common to experience bladder infections. If you receive proper treatment, there is no harm to your baby. However, if you leave it untreated, the infection could spread to your kidneys and pose a risk to your and your baby's health. Additionally, there is a chance of early labour and the baby having a low birth weight.


Pregnancy increases your likelihood of a bladder infection in addition to the causes that affect all women:


  • During your baby's growth, your bladder may be pressed.

  • The sugar content in your urine may be higher than usual, providing an optimal breeding ground for bacterial growth.

  • As your bump size increases, you may encounter more difficulty with your usual self-cleaning routine.


Our doctors will prescribe safe antibiotics for you to take during pregnancy and won't harm your baby.