What’s The Difference Between Uti & Yeast Infection?

What’s The Difference Between Uti & Yeast Infection?

What’s The Difference Between Uti & Yeast Infection?

It can be frightening to experience discomfort and pain in your genital area, especially when you don't know what's causing it. UTIs and vaginal yeast infections (sometimes called vaginal Candidiasis) are common causes of discomfort and pain. You have probably heard of or experienced one or both of these highly common conditions. The differences between them may surprise you.

These infections have different causes, symptoms, and treatments despite their similarities. The urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys are all parts of the urinary tract that can become infected with bacteria. Fungal infections of the genitalia are yeast infections.

If you or someone in your care suffers from a UTI or yeast infection, knowing the difference between them is essential.

Symptoms Of UTI Vs. Yeast Infection

There is a difference between yeast infections and urinary tract infections. Despite the similarity of their symptoms, there is a great deal of difference between their presentations.

UTI symptoms affect urination, while yeast infections cause itchy vaginal and vulva symptoms. Each infection has the following symptoms.

UTI Symptoms

  • Back, side, or lower abdomen pain

  • Urine with blood

  • Vomiting or nausea

  • Pain in the lower abdomen

  • Fever

  • Urination pain or burning sensation

  • Urination urges are intense and frequent.

  • Frequent passing of small amounts of urine

A UTI that causes nausea, vomiting, and fever usually indicates a more severe kidney infection. You should seek medical attention immediately if you are experiencing these more severe symptoms.

Yeast Infection Symptoms

  • An intense burning sensation on the outside of your body during urination (due to irritated skin)

  • Sexual activity that causes pain or burning

  • Inflammation and itching in the vaginal area and vulva

  • Intense white or yellow-green vaginal discharge that is odourless and thick


Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria getting into the urinary system and building up. Fungi thrive in moist areas of skin, like the genitals, where they form yeast infections. Each of these can occur in a variety of ways.

Causes Of A UTI

Urinary tract infections are generally caused by bacteria (most commonly Escherichia coli or E. coli) entering the body through the urethra.

A UTI is more likely to occur in women than men due to its physiology. Women are estimated to experience more than 50% of their lifetime UTI.

Women's urethras are shorter and close to the anus, making it easier for bacteria to travel through the urethra and reach the bladder and kidneys. It is common for UTIs to be caused by the following:

  • Children are more likely to experience this problem after wiping from back to front after bowel movements.

  • Urinary tract abnormalities

  • Sexual activity

  • Diaphragms and spermicides are contraceptive methods.

  • Holding or not fully emptying the bladder after urinating

Causes Of Yeast Infections

Candida Albicans usually causes yeast infections. There is typically no problem with Candida living in your vagina or anywhere else on your body.

The possibility of infection exists when it can grow and multiply. Lactobacillus, the so-called 'good' bacteria, cannot effectively control candida growth when this happens. This can occur due to the following:

  • Pregnancy

  • Uncontrolled diabetes

  • Hormonal imbalance

  • An impaired immune system (immunocompromised)

  • Wearing tight-fitting or wet clothing

  • Antibiotics

Can A Yeast Infection Cause A UTI?

A yeast infection does not cause a UTI, but antibiotics used to treat a UTI can sometimes cause one. Having both infections at the same time is also possible.

Who Gets UTIs And Yeast Infections?

UTIs and yeast infections are more common among women but can also affect men and children.

In men, kidney stones and enlarged prostates are common causes of urinary tract infections. The head of the penis can also become inflamed when men suffer from yeast infections, known as balanitis. Yeast infections and balanitis are more prevalent in uncircumcised men. A yeast infection cannot be transmitted from one partner to another sexually.

Yeast infections are more common among growing girls than UTIs in children. To diagnose and treat these symptoms properly, a paediatrician should be consulted.

How Long Does Each Infection Last?

Both yeast infections and UTIs last according to their severity and treatment method. Antibiotics usually cure a UTI within 1-2 days. In contrast, treating a complicated UTI can take several days to weeks. Like mild yeast infections, mild yeast infections usually subside within a few days.

Diagnosing UTIs Vs Yeast Infections

The first step in diagnosing any of these infections is asking your doctor about your symptoms and any previous infections you may have had. You may also be asked if you have any concerns about sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Could you let your doctor know if the symptoms you have right now are similar to those you had if you had a UTI or a yeast infection?

Diagnosing A UTI

A doctor can usually diagnose a UTI by listening to your symptoms and taking your medical history.

You should test your urine if unsure of what's causing your symptoms. These urine tests confirm if you have a UTI and what type of bacteria is causing it. After all, some bacteria are resistant to certain types of antibiotics.

Diagnosing A Yeast Infection

When you discuss your symptoms and history with your doctor, they can usually diagnose a yeast infection. If you see a provider in person, the doctor will examine you and take a sample of your vaginal fluid with a cotton swab. Other discharge causes, such as STIs, can also be detected using these lab tests.

Treatment For UTIs Vs. Yeast Infections

Both UTIs and yeast infections require treatment. Further, more serious complications can result from avoiding treatment. Luckily, both infections are relatively easy to treat.

UTI Treatment

An antibiotic prescription is the standard treatment for a UTI once your doctor has diagnosed it. Infections are treated with antibiotics depending on the type of bacteria causing them and the severity of the infection.

As soon as you take the antibiotic, you should feel some relief. Even if your symptoms disappear earlier, finishing the antibiotic course is essential. The UTI will not return as a result of this.

In addition to antibiotic treatment, home remedies can treat UTI symptoms. In addition to cranberry juice, herbal supplements, and lots of water, you can ward off your symptoms and speed up the healing process. Here are some home remedies for UTI that you can read about.

Yeast Infection Treatment

Yeast infections require antifungal medications. These medications are available over-the-counter (OTC) and on prescription. Different medications are available, including creams, ointments, tablets, and suppositories. Treatment usually takes a day or a week. To completely clear up the infection, the entire treatment must be completed.


Factors beyond your control often cause UTIs and yeast infections, but there are some steps you can take to reduce your susceptibility.

Preventing UTIs

You can prevent future UTIs if you are aware of the risk factors. Tips for preventing UTIs include:

  • Make sure you drink plenty of fluids

  • Maintain regular urination (do not hold in urine)

  • The urethra may be irritated by douches and deodorant sprays used in the genital region.

  • Following urination and bowel movements, wipe from front to back

  • After and before sex, you should urinate

Preventing Yeast Infections

The symptoms of yeast infections are uncomfortable, but they are rarely severe. Here are some tips to help prevent them:

  • Keep moist skin areas clean by practising good hygiene

  • Mild soap should be used

  • Cotton underwear is a natural material to wear

  • As soon as possible, change out of wet swimsuits and exercise gear

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