What Is Long Covid?

What Is Long Covid?

What Is Long Covid?

Some people develop long-term symptoms after COVID-19, but most recover fully. Despite needing to fully understand long COVID-19, researchers have learned more about how common it is and how to treat it.

Having COVID-19 takes different amounts of time for different people to feel better. Some people may recover in a few days, but for others, it may take several weeks. We don't fully understand why this happens, but here's what we know.

What Is Long Covid?

Long Covid still has no single definition. The UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence defines long-term COVID as symptoms that occur 12 weeks or more after the initial illness. According to the WHO, Long Covid is defined as symptoms that persist for at least two months. In addition, your signs must not be caused by anything else.

In addition, long-term Covid symptoms can disappear and reappear, making it difficult to keep track of the progression. Long Covid is still relatively unknown, reflected in these rather loose definitions.

Long-Term Covid Symptoms: What Do They Look Like?

Long Covid has been linked to up to 200 different symptoms.

The most commonly reported long Covid symptoms include:

  • Experiencing fatigue

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Sense of smell is affected

  • Pain and aches in the muscles

In addition to affecting organs and tissues throughout the body, long Covid can have various symptoms. People have also reported the following symptoms of long Covid:

  • PTSD, anxiety, depression, and trouble sleeping are mental health issues

  • Problems with thinking, memory, and concentration

  • Pain in the chest, palpitations, and blood clots occur in the heart and blood vessels

  • There is weakness in the muscles and stiffness in the joints

  • Hair loss, hives, rash on the skin

  • Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, stomach ache

  • Deficiency of lung function in the lungs

  • Insufficiency of kidneys

Although COVID-19 enters the body through the respiratory system, it is considered a systemic disease, not just a respiratory disease.

How Common Is Long Covid?

There is no definitive answer to how common long Covid is. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact number due to various data sources and definitions.

A reassuring fact is that most people who get Covid don't experience long-term symptoms. However, there are still a significant number of us who do. According to a study conducted in Scotland, one in twenty people suffers long-term effects from Covid. Approximately 42% of the study participants had only partially recovered 18 months later, while 6% had not.

Despite the relatively small percentages, they still represent many people. Two million people in the UK have reported long Covid symptoms lasting more than four weeks as of June 2022.

What Are The Chances Of Getting Long Covid?

Several studies have examined Covid-19 patients who were hospitalised. According to a study, three-quarters of patients with chronic pain still suffer symptoms six months after being hospitalised.

There is, however, no guarantee that the symptoms of Covid will last as long as the severity of the signs at the beginning. Approximately one-third of people with persistent symptoms initially experienced mild symptoms.

People with conditions such as these are more likely to suffer from Long Covid:

  • Hypertension

  • Overweight and obesity

  • Inflammatory bronchitis

  • Mental illness exists

There is also the possibility that fit, healthy, relatively young people can also develop long Covid.

Long Covid complications are associated with older age, but the group most at risk of long Covid complications is 35- to 49-year-olds, followed by 50- to 69-year-olds and then over 70-year-olds.

Covid-19 infections are more common in men, but women are more likely to develop long Covid infections.

Why Are Women At Greater Risk?

Our immune systems may differ based on our gender. Women's risk of catching infections is lower, but they are more likely to develop autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Is There Any Way To Prevent Long Covid?

Covid-19 cannot be avoided unless you prevent yourself from catching it in the first place. There are many reasons why getting vaccinated is so important. Covid-19 and its complications can be reduced by vaccination. Even if you're already infected with Long Covid, getting vaccinated can lower your chances of getting it.

How Is Long Covid Treated?

Follow-up care should be available to everyone after a long COVID. Researchers are currently testing different treatments for the condition since we still don't know much about it.

A multidisciplinary team of specialists may be required to treat long Covid because it affects so many parts of the body. Please feel free to ask your doctor about the services offered in your area.

What Should I Do If I Think I Have Long-Term COVID-19?

Seek medical attention right away. They can examine your symptoms and develop a plan for your recovery, which may include rehabilitation help from a specialist. Talking through your symptoms with a Mobi Doctor can help figure out the best action for you. With Mobi Doctor, you get online urgent care.



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