Poop Looks Like Coffee Grounds – Causes And Treatments

Poop Looks Like Coffee Grounds – Causes And Treatments

Poop Looks Like Coffee Grounds – Causes And Treatments

Key Takeaways

  • Stools resembling coffee grounds may indicate bleeding in the digestive tract or be due to something you've eaten.

  • Conditions such as peptic ulcers, gastritis, and bleeding in the upper part of the digestive tract can cause this.

  • If you consistently notice such symptoms, getting a medical evaluation for an accurate diagnosis and treatment is important. Acting early is crucial for more effective outcomes.

It can be quite disconcerting for coffee enthusiasts to find their stools resembling coffee grounds. This peculiar situation, while upsetting, is not uncommon.

Let's explore why stools can take on a coffee ground-like appearance and when it's time to consult a doctor. This topic sheds light on the mystery behind unusual bowel movements.

Stools that look like coffee grounds are your usual medium brown solid-textured stools altered to black or dark brown specks. This change can occur for two reasons: either due to something you've eaten or bleeding in your Gastrointestinal Tract (GI Tract). However, these aren't the only reasons to consider.

How Concerning Is It If Your Stool Looks Like Coffee Grounds?

If your stools resemble coffee grounds, it could be a cause for concern. This may be due to conditions like colitis, bleeding ulcers, gastrointestinal cancers, or haemorrhoids, and immediate medical attention is necessary.

Some individuals may also experience stools that look like coffee grounds along with other symptoms such as vomiting material that resembles coffee grounds, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, several days of dark stools (melena), and blood in the stools.

If these symptoms persist or worsen over several weeks, it's important not to delay seeking professional medical advice. Let's delve into the potential causes and treatments for stools that look like coffee grounds.

Poop That Looks Like Green Coffee Grounds

Stools with green specks, known as Melena, can have similar causes to black stools. This could indicate a medical condition like a bacterial or parasitic infection or simply undigested food you've eaten.

Causes Of Black Specks In Poop

Our stools comprise waste material and water that the body expels after metabolism. They can also reflect our overall health, indicated by their texture and colour.

Changes from the normal colour, texture, and frequency of bowel movements can provide insights into dietary missteps. Variations, such as white or black specks, might signal underlying medical conditions that require attention.

Let's delve into each cause in detail:

  • Consumption Of Dark-Pigmented Foods: Eating foods like blueberries, beets, or dark chocolate, which contain dark pigments, may not fully dissolve and can appear as black specks in your stools.

  • Iron-Containing Foods And Medications: Foods or medications with iron, including supplements, can result in black specks in your stools.

  • Activated Charcoal: Used in medical emergencies like poisoning, activated charcoal can appear as black specks in bowel movements.

  • Gastrointestinal (GIT) Bleeding: Bleeding in the upper digestive tract, such as from the stomach or upper small intestine, can cause black, tarry stools known as “Melena.” This could be due to conditions like peptic ulcers or gastritis.

  • Medication Effects: Some medications, like Bismuth Subsalicylate (found in Pepto Bismol), can affect stool appearance. Other medications or supplements may also interact with the digestive system, altering bowel movements and their appearance.

  • Gastrointestinal Malignancies: Rarely black specks in stools can indicate gastric cancers. Persistent symptoms warrant medical attention.

  • Specific Medical Conditions: Celiac disease or Crohn’s disease, which affects nutrient absorption in the GIT, can impact stool texture and colour. Infections, bacterial or parasitic, in the gut can also affect bowel movements.

  • Anal Fissures Or Hemorrhoids: Small amounts of blood from anal fissures or haemorrhoids can mix with the stool, leading to black specks.

  • Ingestion Of Foreign Objects: Accidentally consuming indigestible non-food items, like plastic pieces or metal fragments, can sometimes appear as black specks in stools.


In addition to black specks, some common symptoms include:

  • Tiredness

  • Feeling lethargic and uneasy during the day

  • Irregular heart rate

  • Stomach pain and greyish stool movements

What Does Coffee Ground Stool Look Like?

Normal stools are typically solid and medium brown, without additional texture or specks.

Coffee ground stools are distinct in appearance, characterised by their dark colour and grainy texture, resembling the grounds left at the bottom of a coffee cup. They usually appear black or very dark.

It's important to understand that coffee ground-like specks in stools is not related to consuming coffee or coffee-based foods. Instead, there are several different reasons why this can occur.

What Should I Do About The Grounds?

Seeing black or green specks in your stool is unusual. Recalling what you've eaten over the past 48 hours is a good idea. If the symptoms vanish after the second or third bowel movement, it's likely related to your recent diet.

However, if the symptoms persist, it's wise to consult a doctor and discuss all the signs and symptoms you're experiencing. Early diagnosis and intervention are often more effective than later treatment options.


Your options are limited when treating black or green specks in your stools. You can avoid foods that might cause these colours in your stools until the black spots disappear. If the issue persists, it's advisable to consult with your healthcare provider for further guidance.

See A Doctor

It's important to book a consultation with your healthcare provider to discuss your symptoms and their frequency. Healthcare professionals are best equipped to understand your situation and provide an accurate diagnosis.

Early detection and intervention can greatly impact your overall health. So, don't delay – arrange a medical appointment and take the first step towards addressing the issue.

Mobi Doctor is available to offer assistance and medical advice. Consider reaching out to Mobi Doctor for professional guidance and support.



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