Although pregnant women are not prone to develop kidney stones within themselves, it could be rough to treat if found in expectant mommies.
Having kidney stones during pregnancy can have an adverse impact on both the mommy and the baby. Thus if you suppose you might have developed the circumstance, it is crucial for you to consult an expert right away.
Our general practitioners can address your signs of kidney stones and recommend you more tests and advice regarding any treatment process you might be in need of.
See a Doctor about Kidney StonesA number of matters can cause kidney stones, including:
There is much possibility for kidney stones to develop during the 2nd or 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
Talk to a Doctor about Kidney StonesOften, there are not many symptoms caused by these small kidney stones; in some situations, they might also pass during urination without even coming into your notice.
However, the stones that move down into your bladder or get trapped in the kidney might lead towards unbearable pain.
General symptoms include:
There is much possibility for kidney stones to develop during the 2nd or 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
Speak to a Doctor about Kidney StonesWhile in most cases kidney stones can pass while urinating without having the need for any treatment, there are conditions where an additional process might be needed in order to get rid of them.
While pregnancy is a sensitive and unendurable period, often processes that are non-invasive are prescribed, such as Ureteroscopy. In this process, a narrow tube is inserted in the urethra that takes out elements of stones from the body.
Shockwave therapy is also conducted in which sound waves are used to disperse kidney stones; although this is not recommended to pregnant women for it hold potential risks for the growing baby, which are yet to be comprehended completely.
If you wonder you might have developed the condition, or are not sure about it, see a doctor right now.
Our doctors can converse with you about the symptoms and offer you a piece of personalized, and tailored advice on whether you have the possibility to develop kidney stones and if so, how to manage it.
See a Doctor about Kidney StonesConsult a Doctor right now, or choose a time that is convenient for you.
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