Vaginal Discharge Before Period: What You Need To Know

Vaginal Discharge Before Period: What You Need To Know

Vaginal Discharge Before Period: What You Need To Know

PMS symptoms such as cramps and bloating are often associated with the days leading up to a menstrual period. Changes in hormone levels can also affect vaginal discharge for people with vaginas. It is usual for discharge to increase or decrease from time to time. Infection or pregnancy can sometimes cause discharge before a period. This article explains what causes discharge before a period to help determine when to see a doctor. Afterwards, I will discuss when this discharge might be problematic. I will also explain how vaginal discharge changes during pregnancy and menstruation.

Discharge Before Period: What Causes It?

There is nothing abnormal about vaginal discharge. This discharge is a mixture of old cells, water, and bacteria that the uterus, cervix, and vagina eliminate to keep them free of infection. It is typical for the volume, appearance, and texture of discharge to change during the menstrual cycle. The hormones that trigger ovulation are usually responsible for this process.

Several factors can cause discharge before your period, including:

  • Period Flow: Period flow is typically bright red, but it can sometimes begin brown. Flows that are not rapid and leave the vagina slowly may lead to this, which allows oxygen to oxidize the blood. It is common to see brown discharge or blood before a period. During pre-period flow, you may also experience an increase in pink or white discharge.

  • Early Pregnancy: The days before expected menstruation can be dry for some women. Some women experience a noticeable increase in clear or white discharge in early pregnancy due to the rapid increase in hormones. During pregnancy, the cervix creates

A mucus barrier to protect the developing embryo and seal off the uterus. There may also be brown or pink discharge during early pregnancy. Sometimes, you may not even know you are pregnant because you have a very light period. If you notice an abnormal increase in discharge without a strong odour around the time your period is due, take a pregnancy test or see your healthcare provider.


  • Perimenopause: Many women experience irregular or lighter periods during this time before menopause. Discharge can be clear, white, brown, pink, or red during perimenopause. Occasionally, it appears before some cycles but not others.

  • Spotting After Vaginal Activity: Light bleeding or spotting can occur after penetration of the vagina, whether you had vigorous intercourse or a routine Pap smear.

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: An irregular period or spotting can be caused by PCOS, a fairly common hormonal condition. Periods are sometimes preceded by discharge or light spotting.

When Should You Be Concerned?

Maintaining healthy sexual organs requires discharge. Normal hormonal shifts or ageing are usually responsible for changes.

What To Be On The Lookout For

You should see a healthcare provider if you notice any of the following symptoms with vaginal discharge:

  • Discharge amount increases suddenly

  • Smell change or foul odour

  • A change in colour, mainly if it is green, yellow, or grey

  • Changes in texture, mainly if it's chunky like cottage cheese

  • Fever, abdominal cramps, and painful urination are other symptoms

How To Tell If The Discharge Is Normal

Normal discharges can range widely. Paying attention to your typical symptoms during your menstrual cycle can determine if your discharge is normal. You can then describe any abnormal changes to your healthcare provider.

Vaginal Discharge During The Menstrual Cycle

A woman's vaginal discharge tends to fluctuate with her hormone levels throughout her menstrual cycle, though each person is different.

  • Period Flow: During a regular period, red or dark blood can flow for up to seven days. It is also possible to have a lighter flow that appears as brown, red, or pink discharge during the first or last days of the period (or both). The entire process is part of the uterine lining shedding process.

  • After Period: After the period, bleeding stops; some women may experience 1-2 days of sticky, white, or yellowish discharge.

  • Pre-Ovulation: In preparation for ovulation, hormones that prepare a follicle may gradually increase cervical mucus every 1-2 days. You will notice its appearance becoming apparent, watery, and slippery. This is known as fertile cervical mucus.

  • Ovulation: The 24-48 hours around ovulation are typically when people experience the most discharge. It is usually clear and watery, but it may leave marks on underwear if there is enough of it. Vaginal discharge may appear pink or brown when light bleeding occurs during or after ovulation.

  • Luteal Phase: After an egg is released, the luteal phase begins and lasts until the next period begins. Ovulation usually results in a thickening or a thinning of the discharge, and the coming week or two may be relatively dry with little to no discharge. It is normal for the 1-2 days preceding a period to be the driest.

What You Should Know About Pregnancy Discharges

There is a possibility that you will experience an increase in discharge if you become pregnant, even before you miss a period. Some confuse this discharge with a period because it may be brown or pink. It is normal for women to discharge throughout pregnancy. An infection, however, can also cause discharge. Tell your healthcare provider about any discharge changes because STIs can cause pregnancy complications, and yeast infections are more prevalent during pregnancy.

It is NEVER normal for pregnancy discharge to be green, grey, yellow, or foul-smelling.

When To See A Doctor

See a medical professional if discharge increases or the smell or consistency changes.


A medical professional can determine whether your discharge is normal by assessing your other symptoms and performing an examination or testing.

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Mobi Doctor offers online urgent care.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does Discharge Look Like Before The Period?

The discharge before a period varies from person to person. People have white, pink, red, or brown discharge before their periods, while others have no discharge. A doctor should be consulted if you experience frequent discharge or if the discharge smells, looks, or feels different.

How Many Days Before The Period Is White Discharge?

Menstrual discharge is a normal part of the cycle. This may occur before your period, but the cycle's first 1-2 days are usually the driest. Yeast infections or other issues can cause white discharge. See your healthcare provider if you notice abnormal white discharge before a period with a foul-smelling odour or a cottage cheese appearance.

What Does Discharge Look Like Before Your Period If Pregnant?

Unless you're pregnant, the 1-2 days before your period may be the driest part of your cycle. Around the time that a period would be due, you may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. It may have a clear, white, brown, or pink appearance. Consider taking a home pregnancy test and consulting your healthcare provider if you are pregnant.

Does Discharge Mean Your Period Is Coming?

The cycle is at its driest in the days leading up to menstruation. Some women with vaginal discharge may experience light spotting or discharge before their periods begin. Discharge may be less frequent for others. Discharge is not a reliable indicator of period onset.



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