How To Recover From Flu Faster

The flu can make you feel defeated with constant coughing, painful aches, and fragility. However, there are measures you can take to recover quickly and effectively, putting your life back on track in no time.

How Do I Know It's Flu?

Unlike a common cold, flu symptoms typically appear suddenly and affect your entire body. Common indicators comprise:

How To Recover From Flu Quickly – 7 Tips

1. Rest Up

It's crucial to prioritize rest when you're feeling ill. Aim for a generous amount of sleep, and don't hesitate to take it easy on the couch while awake. Remember that this downtime is essential for combatting the symptoms of your flu.

2. Stay At Home

It is crucial to prevent the spread of flu symptoms to others, particularly during the initial 24 hours of experiencing the flu. There is a potential risk of exposing someone more susceptible to complications from the flu.

If you share your living space with others, you can minimize the transmission of the flu by:

  • Practicing regular handwashing.

  • Use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.

  • Promptly disposing of used tissues in the trash.

3. Take Over-The-Counter Medication If You Need

  • Pain Relief – To alleviate aches and pains, ibuprofen can be taken, while paracetamol can help to lower fever. Avoiding cold and flu medication containing caffeine at night is essential, as it may cause difficulty sleeping.

  • Decongestants –For short-term relief of a blocked nose, it is recommended to use medication. However, if unsure, it is essential to strictly follow the recommended dosage and seek guidance from a pharmacist or doctor.

4. Drink Plenty Of Fluids

It's essential to stay hydrated to recover quickly from the flu. When you have a fever, a common flu symptom, you tend to sweat and lose fluids, which can lead to dehydration. Consuming fluids can replenish lost liquids and help combat infection.

Low-sugar beverages like squash and herbal teas can be good alternatives if you don't typically consume much water. It's best to avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can contribute to dehydration and inflammation.

To gauge your hydration level, you can check the colour of your urine. Ideally, it should be a light straw-yellow colour and clear.

5. Eat Healthy Meals

When feeling unwell, it can be tempting to indulge in unhealthy foods, but your body requires nourishing meals to recover from the flu.

Fresh produce is packed with vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your immune system needs to combat the virus. Additionally, protein consumption will give you the energy to return to your routine.

If you don't feel like eating, consume as much as possible. Rest assured that your appetite will return soon.

6. Stay Propped Up

Having trouble sleeping due to a congested nose or cough? Elevating your head can improve your breathing. Consider using an extra comfortable pillow or two to help alleviate sinus discomfort.

Try elevating your head after taking a hot, steamy bath or shower right before bedtime for best results.

7. Be Kind To Yourself

Taking a break while your body fights off the flu is acceptable. Being anxious about missing out on social activities, work, or exercise will only harm your body. Remember that it is necessary to allow yourself time to recuperate.

Should I Have A Flu Vaccine?

Preventing infection is achievable through the use of safe and effective flu vaccines. It is crucial to consider the potential risks to those with pre-existing health conditions, even if you can recover from the flu independently.

The flu vaccine can be obtained at your GP surgery or from participating pharmacies. It is recommended to receive the vaccine in autumn or early winter before the peak of flu infections, although it is available at any time.

When Should I Seek Help For The Flu?

While flu symptoms typically resolve with self-care, it's advisable to consider consulting a doctor under the following circumstances:

  • If your symptoms are worsening or show no improvement after 7 days.

  • If you are aged 65 or older.

  • If you are pregnant.

  • If you suffer from chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, kidney disease, or a neurological disorder.

  • If your immune system is compromised, such as during chemotherapy or if you have HIV.

  • If you experience severe discomfort or develop chest pain, shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, or cough up blood.

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