In 2020, around 25 million people worldwide were living with essential tremors. This is when parts of your body shake independently without you trying to move them.
Right now, there's no way to cure essential tremors completely. As it worsens, it can make simple things like writing, eating, or bathing difficult.
Studies have found that people with essential tremor are more likely to get other health issues, such as:
Researchers at a big university in Texas discovered that people with essential tremors might be three times more likely to get dementia compared to others. This important finding will be shared at a big meeting for brain doctors in April.
In this study, 222 people with essential tremor, who were around 79 years old on average, were checked out. They had to do some tests on their thinking and memory to see if their brain power was okay, a bit off, or if they had dementia.
When the study started, 168 of them were sharp as a tack, 35 had a little bit of trouble with their memory, and 19 already had dementia.
They were rechecked every year and a half for about 5 years. By the end of the study, 19% of the people ended up with dementia, which is three times more than what you'd expect in everyone else.
Also, each year, about 12% of the folks who were a little forgetful at the start ended up with dementia later on.
The researchers also noticed that 27% of the people in the study either started with or had some memory issues, almost double the usual rate.
The big takeaway? Even though an essential tremor might seem like a shake or tremble, it turns out it might also make it more likely for someone to get dementia, making everyday stuff like writing and eating even harder.
This isn't the first time studies have shown that people with essential tremors might also have trouble with their memory and thinking. Earlier research found that having essential tremors could mean a 60% higher chance of getting dementia.
A study from September 2021 discovered that people with both dementia and essential tremor were two to three times more likely to pass away earlier. Another piece of research from April 2017 linked having trouble thinking with more falls and balance problems in people with essential tremors.
The researchers from this latest study weren't surprised by what they found. They pointed out that while not everyone with essential tremors will get dementia, doctors need to let them and their families know about the increased risk. Knowing about this risk is vital for planning and looking into ways to treat or deal with these memory and thinking issues. The research team plans to keep following the study's people to learn more about how essential tremor and cognitive problems are connected.
The latest research found that people with essential tremors are three times more likely to develop dementia than other folks. But, the study didn't exactly figure out why this happens.
One idea is that the parts of the brain that get messed up in essential tremors are the same ones we use for complex thinking. As people get older and their brain power naturally dips, those with crucial tremors might see a more significant drop.
Another thought is that the shaking from the tremor might make it harder for people to socialize or interact with things around them, leading to thinking problems over time.
People with essential tremors often wonder how their condition will change as time passes, so it's also necessary to think about the risk of memory and thinking problems.
It would be exciting to find out if treating essential tremors can lower the chance of getting dementia. Like, do people who get treatments like deep brain stimulation or focused ultrasound have the same risk of dementia as everyone else? And does how bad the tremor is play a role in the risk of dementia?
A brain and movement disorders specialist shared thoughts on this study, saying it shows that essential tremor isn't just about shaky movements. It could also affect memory and thinking.
Why people with essential tremors might have a higher chance of facing these thinking problems isn't clear.
It could have something to do with when the tremors start, or it could be connected to other brain conditions that mess with thinking skills.
To understand more, future studies might look into how the age when tremors begin, certain medications, and lifestyle choices like drinking alcohol could play a role in these memory and thinking challenges.
Mobi Doctor can assist by offering professional advice and support for managing essential tremors and their potential impact on cognitive health, all from the convenience of your home.