Smoking is known to cause many health problems, but did you understand that it can also lead to erectile dysfunction, especially among younger men? This link has been the subject of many studies in recent years.
Although erectile dysfunction is relatively common, if you can decrease its contributing factors, you should try it. Some people can improve their sexual health by quitting smoking and overcoming this common condition.
ED, also known as impotence, occurs when a person cannot maintain a firm enough erection to engage in sexual activity.
Most people do not talk about ED, but it is widespread:
A person with an eating disorder may suffer from low self-esteem, relationship problems, and increased stress. You should seek medical attention if experiencing these symptoms may indicate an underlying health issue, such as heart disease or diabetes.
Smoking can directly affect the severity of ED if you are a smoker.
The American Journal of Epidemiology reported in 2005 that smokers are more likely to develop ED than non-smokers. There may be a link between cigarette smoking and ED in younger people.
Over time, smoking can narrow the blood vessels, restricting blood flow to many body parts, such as the penis. An erection occurs when the penis becomes filled with blood and is ready for sexual activity. Poor circulation makes this less likely.
Former smokers have been known to improve their ED. However, if you have been a heavy smoker for a while, quitting may not be enough to improve your sexual performance. Age and the degree of ED before stopping are also significantly related to your chances of recovery.
Consequently, according to a study from the BJU International Journal, 25% of ex-smokers ED status improved after a year, but none of the current smokers.
After the follow-up, ex-smokers had significantly better ED status.
When it comes to quitting smoking, there are many challenges to overcome.
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms are expected for most people. Create an action plan and decide when you want to quit. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms can be treated and supported in several ways to help you quit and stay smoke-free.
In nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), products that supply low doses of nicotine reduce cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms. Many toxins in cigarette smoke are not present in these products.
Nicotine supplements include:
Besides NRT products, other types of medications help smokers quit.
The following medications are commonly prescribed to help with withdrawal and decrease the urge to smoke:
Both medicines do not contain nicotine and must be prescribed by a doctor.
Any addiction can be challenging to overcome, and smoking is no different. You can quit smoking with the help of help groups, apps, and quit-line services via text or phone.
Join a group where you can discuss your challenges with others going through the same thing.
Counsellors specializing in substance abuse and addiction can help you develop a quitting plan and provide the assistance you need.
Quitting smoking can improve your overall health, including your ED. Smokers may experience firmer, faster erections when they stop smoking.
According to a study published by Andrologia, 50% of subjects with ED who quit smoking reported improvements in their erectile function after six months. Within 2-12 weeks after quitting smoking, your circulation improves, which might alleviate or even eliminate ED symptoms.
Your primary care provider should be consulted if you experience ED more than half of the time when engaging in sexual activities or are concerned about it.
At first, it may feel awkward or embarrassing, but ED is treatable. In addition, your provider can help you design a smoking cessation plan and discuss the best nicotine replacement therapy.
Your provider can suggest treatment options if you have quit smoking but are still experiencing ED after discontinuing.
Quitting smoking can improve sexual performance, especially for younger people who aren't heavy smokers.
There is a documented correlation between smoking and impotence. Smoking narrows the arteries, resulting in poor blood flow to the penis. In addition to smoking, older people or those with other underlying conditions can also suffer from erectile dysfunction.
There is no guarantee that smoking will result in ED, but those who smoke are at a greater risk of experiencing problems with their sexual performance.
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