With longer days and warmer weather, the summer months are the ideal time to take your fitness routine outside and enjoy it in fresh air and sunshine. While exercising in the heat, it is essential to remember that your health is at risk if you don't exercise with caution.
Physical activity benefits the body. However, increasing this stress by exercising in the heat or without adequate hydration places excessive pressure on our bodies defence mechanisms, resulting in heat exhaustion or heatstroke in the worst-case scenario.
When you exercise, your body's demand for oxygen increases, causing you to breathe more quickly and your heart to pump more blood around your body to help your muscles work more efficiently. As a result, you generate more heat, which causes your core temperature to increase.
We dilate our blood vessels (thereby increasing the surface area for heat loss) and sweat to regulate our core temperature. The heat that is removed from our bodies by our sweat is lost. When we are out in the sun or a hot environment, our bodies are forced to do even more of this, primarily through increased sweating.
When exercising in hot weather, there are some simple precautions you can take to keep yourself safe:
When exercising in the heat, it's critical always to stay hydrated. When you exercise, you should drink plenty of fluids to replace the fluids you lose through sweat. If you're exercising for an extended period and sweating heavily, you should also drink sports or electrolyte drinks to replenish the salt you've lost through sweating.
It is critical to wear sunscreen during outdoor workouts to keep your skin protected. Sunburn not only increases your risk of developing skin cancer, but it can also impair your body's ability to cool itself. Apply a generous amountSPF sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes b of high-factor efore engaging in strenuous physical activity in the heat. When purchasing sunscreen, make sure to choose one that offers UVA and UVB protection.
If it's scorching outside, try exercising first thing in the morning or later in the evening to avoid the heat and humidity of the midday sun. If possible, exercise in shady areas and allow adequate rest, hydration, and cooling afterwards.
Choose breathable clothes that are light in colour and easy to move around in. These will allow sweat to evaporate and cool down more quickly. If your clothes are too heavy or tight, your body cannot cool itself down as effectively.
Heat and humidity will impact your workout, so paying attention to your body's signals is essential. It may take several weeks for your body to acclimate to the heat, so begin with shorter, less intense workouts. As you become more accustomed to the heat, you may notice that your body responds more positively to it. For example, your body may begin sweating earlier to help you cool down, and your heart rate may not rise as high during your workouts as it did initially.
It's essential to take it easy in the sun and not push yourself beyond your capabilities.
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