Blood Testing And Its Benefits

Only dreaming about a healthy life free from all diseases is not enough. Real health is being in a state of complete mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. Distinguishing the reasons behind that is no rocket science.

Regular Medical Check-ups: Are They Necessary?

Undoubtedly, it is vital to see a good doctor regularly. Tests and exams can help diagnose problems before they start, increasing the chances of treatment and cure. By getting access to trustworthy health services, screenings, and treatments, you reduce the more significant risks in your life. 

Why Are Blood Tests Necessary In Body Examinations?

Getting tested for blood is a good practice. The changes in blood composition and the constituent's quantity can be recorded over time. Get it routinely done at least twice a year. Talk to your doctor and medical health experts to learn if there are any other essential tests you may need to take for optimal health.

What Do Blood Tests Reveal?

  • Looking at the constant surge in diabetic patients and other metabolic disorders, it is necessary to constantly check the status of sugar levels and coronary artery diseases.

  • The liver and kidneys are the soul organs of the human body. Routine check-ups for these vital organs can help you visualize what is happening inside your body. Blood tests reveal if there is an infection, toxic drugs, or inflammation in these organs.

  • If you have a cold, cough, or flu might indicate something bigger like Tuberculosis and HIV infection. You must have known how hazardous it is for HIV. If left untreated, it causes autoimmune disorders, too.

  • Most critical is knowing how well your hormones are balanced. An imbalance in hormone levels in the blood can critically affect your organs, tissues and cells. It shows liver damage, thyroid problems, and heart conditions. Weight might fluctuate, and you might not be able to know why that happened.

  • The blood tests inform you about the number of vitamins and minerals in your body. Because of the lack of nutrients, most diseases occur in the human body. The effects can be body odour, headache, poor bowel movements, etc.

The Most Important Types Of Blood Tests

Some tests that can impact your immune system, longevity and antiaging properties in men are mentioned here.

Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)
: A basic metabolic panel (BMP) checks for levels of certain compounds in the blood, such as electrolytes, calcium, glucose, sodium, potassium, carbon dioxide, chloride, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine.

Thyroid panel:
thyroid function test checks how well your thyroid is producing and reacting to certain hormones, such as Triiodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4), T3 resin uptake (RU), Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The thyroid's primary role in the endocrine system is to regulate your metabolism, which is your body's ability to break down food and convert it to energy. Food fuels the body, and each of our bodies uses that fuel at different rates. This is why you often hear about some people having a "fast" metabolism and others having a "slow" metabolism. The thyroid controls your metabolism through thyroid hormone action, which is made by extracting iodine from the blood and incorporating it into thyroid hormones.

Thyroid cells are unique because they are highly specialised in absorbing and using iodine. Every other cell depends on the thyroid to manage its metabolism. The pituitary gland and hypothalamus both control the thyroid. When thyroid hormone levels drop too low, the hypothalamus secretes TSH Releasing Hormone (TRH), which alerts the pituitary to produce thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The thyroid responds to this chain of events by producing more hormones.

: Testosterone is the male sex hormone. It is found in both men and women, but the quantity is higher in men. It travels around the blood's body, evaluating a testicular function that can cause obesity, cirrhosis, and thyroid disorders. High-free testosterone in men and women can significantly impact health and behaviour. Testosterone is believed to play an essential role in bone and muscle strength in men. The changes in sex hormone levels with age in men are associated with changes in body fat distribution.

Good levels of testosterone mean longevity of sexual well-being in men. It seems that androgens help to decide body fat distribution. In younger men, androgens are produced at high levels in the testes. As a man gets older, these levels gradually decrease. Older men tend to increase fat storage around their abdomen ('apple-shaped'). Obesity is associated with an increased risk of several diseases, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, several types of cancer, decreased longevity (shorter life span), and lower quality of life.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH
) works with specific receptor sites like all hormones. It can produce many responses, including increasing muscle protein synthesis, which is responsible for muscle growth, increasing bone mineralisation, supporting immune system function, promoting lipolysis, or fat metabolism. The body produces HGH during the REM cycles of sleep. It is stimulated by high-intensity exercises such as heavy strength training, explosive power training or cardiorespiratory exercise at or above the onset of blood lactate.

Prostate-specific Antigen:
 is a cancer screening test for PSA. Elevated PSA levels can indicate prostate cancer or a noncancerous condition such as prostatitis or an enlarged prostate. Most men have PSA levels under 4ng/Ml. Men with prostate cancer usually have PSA levels higher than 4.

Enzyme markers: proteins that help your body to accomplish specific metabolic and chemical processes, such as breaking down food and clotting blood. They're used throughout your body for many vital functions. Abnormal enzyme levels can indicate many different conditions. Common enzymes tested include CPK-1, CPK-2, CPK-3 and Troponin.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs):
 Many STDs can be diagnosed using a blood sample. These tests are often combined with urine samples or swabs of infected tissue for more accurate diagnoses. The following STDs can be diagnosed with blood tests: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, herpes, HIV, syphilis, etc. An HIV infection significantly affects your immune system. So, to not let your immune system grow weak, keep testing yourself for HIV.

Coagulation panel:
 Measure how well the blood clotting occurs and how long it takes for your blood to clot. Examples include the prothrombin time (PT) test and the fibrinogen activity test. Clotting is a significant phenomenon. Poor blood clotting has been the cause of Royal's disease for centuries. It can lower the blood level and cause other significant heart-related disorders. This test can diagnose acute myeloid leukaemia, excessive bleeding (haemophilia), thrombosis, liver conditions, vitamin K deficiency, and many more.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA):
The Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) hormone comes from your adrenal glands. This test measures whether it's too high or too low. DHEA helps develop traits like body hair growth in men, so low levels are considered abnormal. In women, high levels can cause typically male traits, like excess body hair, to develop, so low levels are normal. Low levels in men are called DHEA deficiency, caused by type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, anorexia nervosa, and AIDS. High levels in men or women can result from:

  • Cancer or tumour in adrenal glands

  • Early onset of puberty from congenital adrenal hyperplasia

  • Abnormal genital development

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (in women)

How Do Optimal Hormones And Vitamin Levels In The Blood Improve Your Life?

Before discussing the "how," we must know the "why". So, the foremost reason for a healthy lifestyle is that everything should be balanced, from food to work and bodily functionalities. Vitamins and hormones regulate essential functions all the time. They may be molecular chemicals, but they impact the overall functioning of the human body. Hormones regulate the daily life cycle. Even if a single hormone like estrogen or testosterone fluctuates in amount, your sexual desires might get affected. 

The right amount of hormones and vitamins, like vitamin D, can help you to lose weight. It can strengthen your back and bones. The anti-ageing and glowing skin properties have been known to be associated with this vitamin. Antiaging results in longevity because the cells get properly nourished and repaired. Obesity is encountered by getting regularly tested for testosterone and androgens in males above 30 years. By increasing the level of androgens, obesity can be controlled.

For a balanced and calm life, try to remain organic. Eat well and sleep well. Always exercise and take your health problems seriously. Do not neglect any signs or symptoms that might be alarming. Please keep checking up on yourself regularly.

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