Many people are confused about what libido is and what it means. Scientists are still debating this question. The concept of libido has been interpreted in various ways, including by Freud and Jung, as 'psychic energy.' Our modern understanding of libido is based on our response to sexual stimuli and the level of our sexual interest. It would, however, be oversimplified if treated only as such.
To understand sexual desire, it is first necessary to distinguish it from arousal.
In general, sexual desire refers to a desire to engage in sexual activities. More precisely, it is the subjective desire to engage in sexual activity. Libido can vary from person to person, so there is no 'normal' libido. The neurotransmitter dopamine strongly influences sexual desire, originating in different brain parts. In turn, testosterone affects dopamine.
In other words, sexual desire does not cause sexual arousal. As a result of sexual activity or in anticipation of it, the body becomes aroused. The nervous system stimulates the heart and smooth muscle tissue, causing blood flow to the genitals, causing them to swell. As a result, the nervous system responds to sensory input, such as images, smells, and touches.
Personal expectations, prior experiences, and social behaviour can influence sexual desire and arousal.
Both sexes have different molecular processes that regulate sexual desire and arousal. Unfortunately, female libido remains largely a mystery. The subject has not been studied as much, despite its complexity. Libido is often affected by the phases of a woman's menstrual cycle. Just before ovulation, most women feel a surge of sexual desire. Libido is known to decrease during childbearing and menopause.
When there is little or no sexual interest or desire, it is said to have low libido. Therefore, sexual activity may decrease as a result. What is the best way to determine whether your libido is high, low, or completely normal? To assess your libido's health, you must consider the norm. Libidos (or the loss of them) aren't always talked about, honestly. Generally, young people have sex 12 or 13 times a month in their first two years of marriage. After five years, the average drops to 8 to 10 times a month (about twice a week) in long-term relationships.
We now better understand the biological factors that influence libido, so low libido is seen as a medical condition. Just so you know, however, only some agree with this statement. As we age, our libido decreases naturally, starting with puberty in boys and mid-thirties in girls.
Low libido can, however, be caused by an underlying condition. Additionally, some stereotypes claim women have lower libido levels than men. Many factors can reduce libido (called libido killers). Young, healthy people are completely entitled to experience low libido at times. In addition to psychological and relational factors, low libido can also be caused by hormonal imbalances.
Mental disorders, such as depression, stress, and personality disorders, are the most common psychological causes of low libido.
Emotional factors can also contribute to low libido. One of the significant factors is relationship problems. There are also lifestyle habits that can affect libido, like drinking alcohol or using drugs or exercising too little or too much.
The primary function of testosterone is to control male sexual desire and arousal. Aside from serotonin and oxytocin, other love hormones include estrogen and serotonin. The hormones and neurotransmitters that affect libido are also influenced by everything that influences them.
Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone production), vascular disease, and diabetes can affect libido. Women may experience decreased desire due to vaginal pain or erectile dysfunction. Antidepressants, antipsychotic medications, beta-blockers, and statins are some of the medications that are known to cause low libido. Women often experience a loss of libido after a hysterectomy and ovaries removal.
Libido issues can arise in relationships, especially when there is a low level of libido. Sexual intimacy can help you feel emotionally intimate with someone. As a result, relationship problems can hurt mental health. If you want to increase your libido, what should you do?
The treatment of low libido in men has recently attracted much medical attention. In addition to improving libido in men, testosterone replacement therapy has also shown consistent benefits. Insufficient data on the possible long-term effects of testosterone therapy in men with testosterone deficiency makes it unrecommended.
Women have also been treated with testosterone therapy. There were disappointing results from the research: the therapy did not increase libido.
Other studies have been conducted, but there has not been a breakthrough in treating low libido in women.
A certain food or supplement may boost libido. These claims are, however, unsupported by scientific evidence, even though virtually no research has been conducted until recently.
It is unfortunately impossible to increase libido safely, permanently, and once. When no underlying medical issue causing low libido, treatment usually consists of lifestyle changes (moderating alcohol consumption and being active regularly) combined with therapy or couple counselling.
Are you suffering from low libido? Put your best foot forward. What treatment options have you discussed with your doctor?
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