There are vast numbers of changes taking place in your body during pregnancy. Some of these changes happen to your hair and body hair as well, which vary from person to person.
If you are anxious about the changes happening to your hair right after you, have become pregnant or after your baby is born, we would suggest you see a doctor soon.
Our expert doctors can evaluate your signs of hair variations, identify the possible reasons for those changes and if required, will prescribe appropriate treatment to assist you in controlling these symptoms.
Consult a Doctor about Hair ChangesChanges in the hormone levels can vary the chemistry of your body leading towards many unstable consequences.
Among some pregnant women, the changes in hormones can be a hailed, making hair fuller, thicker and gleaming. This happens when your hormone changes the regular process of your hair growth, resulting in speedy hair growth and few cases, even unruly hair.
Some women might also notice rapid growth of their facial or body hair, even though the process becomes managed once your baby is here.
However, sometimes after pregnancy, women might face extreme hair fall or observe their hair have become severally weak and dry.
See a Doctor about Hair ChangesConsult a Doctor right now, or choose a time that is convenient for you.
Be seen by our doctors online through either our mobile app or website.
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