How is Flu Diagnosed?

 The flu won’t need a diagnosis or medical treatment for many people. As a virus causes it, antibiotics won’t help.

If you are fit and healthy, you usually just need to rest at home until you recover, taking around a week. Here are some self-care measures you can try while you’re getting better:

  • Stay at home and get plenty of rest and sleep

  • Drink lots of fluid to prevent dehydration

  • Keep yourself warm

  • Take over-the-counter painkillers to help with the symptoms

  • Treat your cough with over-the-counter medication if you wish

Should I see a GP about the Flu?

Some people are at higher risks of complications from the flu. You should speak to a doctor if you have flu and you are pregnant, over the age of 65 or if your symptoms don’t get better after a week. If you have a chronic condition, such as diabetes, heart disease or asthma, or a weakened immune system, you should also see a GP.

If your baby or child is showing severe flu symptoms, or if you’re worried about them, you should see a GP for more advice.

If you start coughing up blood, have chest pain or breathing difficulties, go to ER or call 112 urgently.

How to prevent spreading the Flu

You should also take steps to minimise the chances of passing the flu on to other people, as it is contagious. Try to:

  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue and throw these away immediately

  • Wash your hands immediately after sneezing or coughing

  • Stay away from other people, and stay off school or work whilst you recover

  • Don’t share things like cutlery and wash down contaminated surfaces to kill germs

Should you exercise when you have the Flu?

When you have a fever due to a cold, it is not recommended to exercise as it can put more strain on your body. Resting for a few days is best until you feel better before resuming your regular exercise routine. Once you are ready to exercise again, start slowly and gradually work your way back up to your normal training level.


After taking a few days off from exercise, immediately diving into high-intensity training is not advisable. If your routine involves strength training, begin with lifting lighter weights for fewer sets and reps. For running, try a few shorter, slower runs before attempting longer, more challenging ones. This approach to resuming exercise can also assist in minimizing the possibility of injury.


When you have the flu, there are a few important things to remember before exercising.


  • Remember to give yourself enough time to recuperate after engaging in physical activity, especially if you've undergone high-intensity or demanding training.
  • It's important to note that recovery after physical exertion may require more time than expected.
  • It's advisable to exercise caution when engaging in physical activity while experiencing a cold and noticing a decline in your health.


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